r0c does? yup *** Topic #Zero: r0c wants star wars pr0n of chewbacca *** Topic #Zero: Set by fnord_ on Mon Apr 21 00:01:05 1997 well.. like chewbacca has to shave to make porn hes already naked hmm naw he just has to whip out his dick haha uh i wanted to see chewbacca doing leia doggy style * r0c grins hmm id like to see that lizard admiral guy in the really big ship do leia doggy style * fnord_ grins hehe he's a fish guy i'd like to see one of those little umm. forrest things fuck her. i'd like to see her jack jabba the hutt off bwhahahahha ewok? yeah an ewok mount her i can picture it i think they like had an orgy when they captured her and it wasnt filmed I'd like to see jawa do leia 'soon your learn to appercitate me' *umf umf.. squiiirt!*' haha yeah, that dancing girl with those head tails bwhahahahhaha head tails i bet she could masturbate with those ilol err lol they'd be good to hold onto while fucking her from behind haha her and princess leia taking turns jacking and sucking jabba off uh hehe i didnt see a penis on jabba jabba ruled. hmm it was like, under him do you know when the new star wars video will be out? uh i forgot man hes like 900 pounds he'd squish his penis personnaly, I hope they have like star wars porn movies no, it's like big i can picture chewbacca roaring as he bends Leia over hhahaha haha and she's going 'oaf!' as he fucks her what about the emperor and he's like making these 'umphing' sounds trying to get his old penis up this inferno comes with tk lol the emporer he plays the old grandfather that has to approve of new whores he likes those hutt women he says they give good head darth vader hehe darth vader has a mechicnal penis hehe i bet one of the lights on his suit is a button that'll open up his crotch armor lol you hear hydrolics and steam shoots out as this metal penis extends darth vader + c3po yeah he has a laser penis and it's like a foot long hahaha like a jedi knight weapon.. the laser penis thats why he was holding leia so close in the first movie;) the light penis what about yoda bwhaha hehe yoda uses the force to 'leviate' his penis to an erection yoda doing leia bwhaha lol he's like attached to her face hahaha humping her lol haha going 'mmrrrm, oooh give good head, leia give good head!' lol bwahaha lol and r2d2 is in the background beeping and shit haha hahaha while Chewbacca takes Han and sodomizes him you know why r2d2's always beeping and blinking and wobbling? he's horny and he wants c3po to hump him and Luke well luke hehe I can hear Luke saying 'no r2, that isn't for you' and r2 makes one of those whining beeps hahahaha they edited the scene out where instead of his arm getting cut off it was his penis and they were all the ship the droid testing his mechicanl penis haha he like tests it and cum squirts out 'ahoy!' hehehe then princess leia giggles haha and he wears a black leather condom over it;P bwhahahahhahahahahaa lol dont get me started on the st's. storm troopers, well we all know they had their fun with leia on the death star hehe remember han talking into the com thing in the jail haha he was like 'uuh, situation normal.. everything under control.' he'd be like 'uh, everything's ok.' (com guy) whats the problem? 'oh just slipping the princess the old salami' *wince* what about Boba Fett.. hes a pimp hahahhahaha hahaha Boba Fett's armor has a pocket pussy built in bwhahahaha hehe ever wondered why he yelled like that when han hit him with that stick? hahahaha hahahah he shrieks like a girly mon when he cums;) bwhahahaha and c3po he's like 'oh my goodness gracios, i dont think it will fit.. we better go and tell master luke' gracious or whatever;) LOL hahaha hahahahhahaha and r2 gives a sad little beep hahaha then the jawa's com and have an orgy in the desert going 'na choota!' and 'bung hoy!!' flipping their robes up and shit they do the banthas you know how their eyes glow? so does their cum! no no, leia sucks the bantha's off ohh ok hehe she has to earn her way across the desert by keeping the bantha's happy flipping their robes up bwhahahahahhahaha you know in jabba's palace, that alien lady who was singing? well, her and luke.. hehe notice her really /long/ mouth? hahaha 'the force has a strong influence on the weak of mind' Luke got fucked a lot i bet hahah Luke waves his hand in the air 'you will bend over and flip your dress over your ass and play with yourself for me' r0c can turn anything into a sex story lol hehe lol hmm hehehe you know Lando? how when Han first met him in ESB he was laughing like bozo the clown? hehe well thats cause he was gettin some on the side from that bald guy with the electronic stuff along his head hehe Lando was like 'hey old body.. er buddy.' 'my my, you surely belong with us amoungst the cum' hahahahhahahahhahahahhaha that bald guy and princess leia is like 'wow.. he's so slick, i want to fuck him' bwhahaha and Chewbacca is like 'i smell wet pussy' and Han is like "what is it cheewie? you smell something?" 3po is sitting there 'oh my, this place certainly does look like a sex pot. Oh how nice, a familar fuck!' (other fuck) 'ee chuta' "My goodness gracious, what a lousy little fuck' lol hahaha lol bwhaahahha chewbacca says, 'Yeah, it's Leia,. she's horny again!' and they exchange grins, and go off to fuck in their room heehe lol and r2d2 is like rolling along, his lights blinking eroticly, trying to attract some female r2's to connect to his 'power outlet' what do the sand people do? he's beeping the tune to 'low rider' they are always screaming hahaha power outlet they make leia sit on their poles while she gives them head hehe their like 'honk honk!! hooooooonk!' she's like 'it's so salt.. mrrrmpph' hehe if i was an Imperial and I caught Princess Leia alone in the woods i wouldn't take her back to base i'd bend her over that log and fuck her;P bwhaha hehehe she'd be like 'oh Luke, why must you fuck me so? If my pussy is so smelly, then leave this place.." (Luke) 'but I can't..' Leia 'why' Luke 'because.. because your tight' Leia gasps lol haha doh i think i woke up my parents laughing so much hehehe then the ewoks come in and start dancing around all naked and leia see's them and goes 'ooh they look like little chewbacca's! and it looks like their just as horny as him!' she suddenly looks down and notices one sniffing her crotch hehehe *** CompuMan (daemon@host50.flex.net) has joined channel #zero ewok is like EEEE CHA WAA WAA! lol and then Chewie walks in and he's like *roar* and he charges over, and throws the wookiee out of the tree house errr hehe i mean ewok:) cm :) and then he like, starts roaring a whole a bunch and and Han walks in lol so jeff, did you wake your parents? no and Hans like 'hey, whats goin on?' then he notices Chewie's 12 inch hardon i thought i might have i didnt :) bwhahahhahahahaa r0c: you should write a story with this shit post it to alt.sex.stories :) I bent my wookie. and he goes 'oooh, i see.. well I wont get in the way of you two' he ducks as Chewie's dick almost pokes him in the eye as it moves towards leia lol is anyone saving all this shi? t yeah. hehe from like Bwhaha last i joined. i missed a lot. HAHAHHAA "oooh, I see... well, I wont get in the way of you two" .. that sounds like something han would say im saving it :) that's funnier than shit. =] then chewie is like drooling with his head lolling around and hans going 'you love him dont you.' and leia goes 'of course i do'.. and then she suddenly realizes 'oh han, Chewie is just my fuck toy, come here and suck on my nipples' hahaha hahahaahahhahahahahhahhhaaahhahahaha lol BHWHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa and han looks confused, then happy and he begins to lick and suck on her nipples, and chewie drools some more.. then 3po pokes his head into the tree house, and jumps going 'oh my!' hahaha lol and r2 starts beeping excitidly, extending his power recharger.. but 3po swats it back, 'not yet you little bugger!' he says, his metal penis poking into the tree house as he watches the three some.. apparently leia see's the light catch on his polished penis. hahaha BAhahahahahaa and she's like 3po, I need you at my anus right away! and r2 starts beeping loudly and rolling towards leia, while 3po goes 'r2, r2 cum back! this is no time for heroics!!' lol hahahahaa ROFL bhwaaaah. man im spanking it to star wars porn BWHahahaha then all the rebel pilots return from blowing up the death star, and they start dancing around outside.. but they notice loud moans coming from the tree house. loud 'squishy' sounds also hahahaa leia grabs luke's lightsaber and starts masturbating lol she must be pretty deep. must be hahaa wouldn't she burn herself? and they peek in there, and see han sucking on Leia's breasts, as Chewie has her bent over a chair.. she notices the rebel pilots, her ass reared backed, impaled upon 3po's once spotless metal penis. and she's like 'cum over here boys!' and runs her tounge along his lips how many are they wouldn't c3po rust? the first rebel pilot runs up, and has his dick out and he's like 'one cock up against a whore?' sounding very doubtfully as he grabs onto leia's funky hair cut. she's like 'your ion cannon will fire short bursts, and disable my swalloing ability' about 10 CM, he's dry fucking her ass hahaha oh lol BWHahahaha wouldnt that burn her ass? and so 3po and is standing behind her, going 'oh my goodness.. im not sure this was such a good idea' while r2 chases around a young teenage ewok who seems to have wondered in. Chewbacca is still pounding his wookiee salami into leia, who's head is bobbing up and down the ion cannon of a rebel pilot.. he's like 'not even a computer can hit that!' then luke pops into the tent, and chimes in 'thats bull! I bulleyeed whore's tonsils back home!' Bahahahahah hahahahahahahahhaa and everyone turns to see Luke, and 3po goes 'master luke, it's so good to see you again!' and han looks up from sucking on leia's breasts to go 'hi kid!' while chewie just offers a roar as he pumps into leia. Meanwhile, Luke pulles out his mechanial penis, taking it's black leather condom off. Leia grins at him, and says with a wink 'incest is best!' as she begins to stroke his mechanical meat and then in the backgroud, theres ben's, yoda's and darth's vader's ghosts, all chuckling as they watch the orgy, stroking their ghastly penises BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ROFL BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA * r0c grins and all of a sudden they all cum, and leia is like 'aagh!!' while chewbacca roars so loud the windows break as he cums bucket loads, 3po starts pumping out this funky oil stuff as he goes 'goodness graaaaaacious!!!' and luke is like 'feel the orgasim flow through you..' and then all the rebel pilots let out this loud cheer and x-wings light fireworks off overheard err over head 'the first load is away *cheer* the first load is away' yeesh, i got a headache now. bwhahahhaha lol wait damnit i want more what about the ghots ghosts what do they do,get each other off? hehaha hehe ok ok ghosts start gettig idea's of their own.. exchanging glances, now yoda has this big 9 incher he spend 200 years using the force to get his penis big enough to fuck the animals on his world hahahahaha HAHAHA ROFL and he's sitting there, wanking on it as he goes 'they fuck.. ooh squish squish wookiee cock go deeeeep' and ben looks over at yoda and chuckles, his cock peeking through his robe 'ooh, when i was your age we didn't wank off to other people having sex.. we had ideals!' then yoda goes, "Bah! Ideals none have I, masturbate i do." then gives a grin as he ectoplasims all over ben bwahahhahaha and darth's ghost is like 'well, i would make those igornant imperial officals kneel down, and crush their throats as they sucked me off!' and the other 2 ghosts get a laugh out of that, despite ben's robe dripping with yoda's ectoplasim bwhahahahhahahaha BWHAHA OH MY GOD THAT IS SO FUCKING FUNNY and then yoda's ghost hopes to the ground, and and waddles over to chewbacca who's still recovering from fucking leia, yoda makes like ermphs and stuff as he walks.. when he reaches the wookiee he taps him on the leg with his can 'horny are you hmm..' chewbacca growls in response, and yoda's eyes widen and he says all wise like 'a whore you seek ooh hehe yes, a whore you seek indeed hehe' heh BHWAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH hahahahahahahhahahahahaahaha uhh hahahahha. then chewbacca motions to leia, who looks like she's drunk on cum... she manages a weak, cum smeared smile 'those ewoks.. sure have stamina' lol and then the ewoks walk in, making little ewok noises at her and they tie her to a stick and carry her to the village's square and chewie, han and luke follow behind cheering 'woo bondage!!!' and leia's like 'but you dont understand.. their my main fucks.. you must let them violate me!' but the ewok chief doesn't seem to happy about that.. a few young boy ewoks follow him around, he looks to be like a rather gay ewok, with a little hide skirt on damnit im tired and now i gotta sit here and make this story up for you guys to masturbate to