gluttony lust sloth envy pride anger avarice irc

[inept] i  r  c    s  t  u  f  f

arsnic.log do you irc as root?
daedlov2.txt which hole do you want to go today? (from iode)
degore.log capsta can draw stick figures!
exper.log irc guinea pigs (from vira)
gfn.log gay friend network (from no-one)
greek.log synapse and cactoid's greek act
kannan.log hard to find mountain dewifiers nowadays...
mordred.log pass those cluepons out!
mouth.txt "Are you judging by length or width?" (from DaRoach)
starwars.log r0c, always the creative one
whack.log "this is why people are afraid of the internet" (from no-one)
zero-bbq.log the #zero barbecue party
quotes.txt irc quotes... lots of them!
quotes1.txt quotes.txt, split files (part 1/4)
quotes2.txt quotes.txt, split files (part 2/4)
quotes3.txt quotes.txt, split files (part 3/4)
quotes4.txt quotes.txt, split files (part 4/4)
operlist1.txt Implementing Users' Wishes (was Re: Tally So far)
operlist2.txt Operlist hits! --More-- You die...